
Exceptional Education at the Heart of the 社区

Exceptional Education at the Heart of the 社区

行为 & 奖励

Celebrating Excellence

Our mission is that we will support and inspire all students to develop the respect, 弹性, skills and understanding to become independent learners and caring, 负责任的公民. We seek to reward and celebrate our values at every opportunity.

We recognise the motivational effect of rewarding students who do the right things. We actively look for the good in people and put this at the centre of our culture, because rewarded students are happy and motivated to take risks in their learning. Happy and motivated students perform better in the classroom and have a greater degree of responsibility for their learning. 奖励 make our academy a productive and purposeful community in which to learn and teach.













Student Leader Programme

Runner Up and Star of the Week


Phone Call / Letter 首页





Classrooms will be positive and rich in praise. When a student is displaying desired behaviours and achieving high standards in their work they will receive verbal praise, 类证书, praise postcards and reward points.

We always look to reward and celebrate with students who are making a positive contribution towards developing Academy values. 这包括:

  • Showing respectful behaviour to others
  • Resolving conflict and recognising difference
  • 说真话
  • Demonstrating a kind and caring attitude to others
  • Excellent effort, work, behaviour and progress
  • Improved effort, behaviour and progress
  • Excellent attendance and punctuality
  • Improved attendance and punctuality
  • Good standard of uniform
  • Contribution to the academy or wider community
  • Effort in improving their reading
  • After school club and revision attendance

We would like to reward out students for working hard and striving to exceed our expectations. To this end, we have developed a reward system involving an in-house currency.’ Media Money’ will be awarded to students who collect Achievement points throughout the term. ‘Media Money’ may be spent on:

  • 11年级舞会
  • Outdoor Adventures - Duke of Edinburgh 
  • 购物抵用券
  • 餐馆
  • 电影访问
  • 剧院访问
  • 早休息/午餐

Staff continue to send Praise Postcards, make telephone calls and write letters to reward students.